Living Rocks of Mexico
Ariocarpus scaphirostris

[ Habitat ]



Location: Valley of Rayones, Nuevo Leon

Ariocarpus scaphirostris Ariocarpus scaphirostris Ariocarpus scaphirostris
The typical limestone shale habitat of Ariocarpus scaphirostris LRM188

Ariocarpus scaphirostris LRM188, in flower in October.

Ariocarpus scaphirostris LRM188, it's presence revealed only by the flower.



Ariocarpus scaphirostris is found at various locations within the Rayones Valley, it is all however a single population. As with other species variation in tubercle shape and size do occur, but there are no variations worthy of recognition. As can be seen in the photograph the plants are excellently disguised in habitat and accurate assessment of population size is difficult.

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