A. agavoides hyb, tubercles are shorter than A.
agavoides and the flower is a deeper in color |
A. agavoides x A.
hintonii, a short tubercled specimen of this hybrid, close
to A. hintonii in appearance. |
A. agavoides x
A. hintonii., A plant with longer tubercles showing more A.
agavoides influence. |
fissuratus x A. kotschoubeyanus, the appearance is that
of a large 'kot' with more fissured tubercles.
fissuratus x A. scaphirostris, a very attractive
hybrid. |
A. fissuratus x A. scaphirostris, a 3
year old grafted plant of this cross |
A. fissuratus x A.
scaphirostris, showing much more A. fissuratus
influence than the previous 2 plants. |
kotschoubeyanus 'Elephantidens' x A. retusus, the
plant is slightly variegated.
Unknown Hybrid, body form suggests A. kot X
A. scaph but the flowers are very similar to those of A.
agavoides |